I've got to stop taking pictures of my quilts so late at night, but that's when I'm finishing them, so that's when the mood strikes me to photograph them. Oh well....you get the idea. This is a quilt top that I pieced together years ago and just found while unpacking. Added some borders and it's a completed top! I'm making it for my 83 year old grandmother (Mamie). I think it will make a nice lap quilt for her and she LOVES purple about as much as I do. I found a beautiful purple orchid fabric yesterday at Joann's in the 50% off clearance section (score!) that I'm going to use for the backing. This quilt is going to have more purple than Barney before it's all said and done!

So no quilting last night because Emma had her first YMCA basketball game. At 8:30 - YES PM!! I know it's summer and all, but these kids are still 7 & 8 years old. And let's face it, I need my beauty sleep! haha At least she doesn't have too many of the late slot games, but we do have two a week for the next 6 weeks. Should make summer go by real fast. Between the daily activities at summer camp and basketball twice a week, Miss Emma is going to be one tired little girl come the end of August.
Her real passion however is soccer. Growing up in Jordan, my husband played alot of soccer so he was determined to expose Emma to it as early as possible. Well she kicked her first soccer ball at the age of 11 months - right after she learned to walk. She's been playing for YMCA since she was 4 - 2 sessions a year except this past year when we played indoor too. So indoor starts back up in July. It's so funny because when she started soccer at the wee age of 4 all she wanted to do was dance around on the field and pick flowers and always begged to sit out. Now that she's almost 8, at the end of each qtr, she quickly rushes off the field for a quick drink and then manages to sneak back on to await the kick-off. She doesn't even wait for the coach to go thru the roster to sit her out. She's going to play gosh darn-it! She hates to sit out.
Malek really enjoyed the action.....for a while.
10 minutes into the game......

And then 10 minutes before the game was over........ guess he just needed a power nap!

I can't wait til he's out on the court! At least we have a break in the activities tonight and the hubs is working late, so I'm seeing a quiet night of a little tv and quilting in my future. Kids should be in bed by 8:15-8:30 (yeah it's getting earlier and earlier). Aahhh...then to get up and start it all over again tomorrow.
Have a great day!