May 06, 2010

We temporarily interrupt this program.....

With a case of THE GERMAN MEASLES!! So after about 7 days of 102-104+ fever, a trip to the ER, iv fluids, 2 antibiotic shots, multiple vials of blood, 8 loads of laundry (due to all of the vomiting and diarrhea) and 30+ baths....we have a diagnosis. German Measles. The poor boy is COVERED head to toe in a rash. The fever finally broke on Tuesday about 4pm. By the time he woke up Wednesday, the rash had reared it's ugly head...all over. The picture above was BEFORE the rash broke out, but was obviously feeling the effects of feeling rotten!

Pictures really don't show the true effects. Poor kid!

This week has also been Teacher Appreciation Week at Emma's school. Today's gift was something of the teacher's favorite color. So I whipped these up over the weekend between laundry and baths for each of her teachers. She had alot of fun picking out just the right fabrics for each.

Take care! I think I hear more laundry calling my name....


  1. Oh No!! Very unpleasant for you all!! Hope the recovery is going well!

  2. Poor guy!! Hope he gets better soon.

  3. Poor Baby! (and Mommy too!) Has Emma had it yet? ---"Love"

  4. German Measles?!?! Oh my goodness!! I hope he's feeling better soon! Christine

  5. It's no fun to be sick, and certainly no fun to be a mom of a sick kid. Hope he feels better soon. The pillows are gorgeous. Emma is really good at choosing colors.


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