First off - Happy New Year 2012....and only 10 days late!
Well, I've finally decided to pull myself back up by the bootstraps and start sewing & blogging again. The pics below aren't anything real recent. Mostly Christmas presents. But I did want to share pics of my "sewing studio" that we cleaned out and rearranged a couple of weeks ago. I finally got in there last night and cleaned off the last of the junk from my sewing table. I'm all ready to get back in there and start cranking out some fabulous 2012 projects! And by the looks of my ironing board, a new cover should be the first project on my list!
First up though are some pics of a couple of table runners that Miss Em did for her Nana and Grandpa & Mary for Christmas. She did the tops and I quilted them. They all loved them!! She was so proud and I was too!
Here's Nana(my awesome mom!) with her Cherry table runner.
Here is Emma's Grandpa (my dad) holding up the table runner she made for him and Mary.
This is a little lap throw that I made for Mary out of her signature color - red! I quilted it in a very simple X pattern thru each of the blocks.
Now - here's the part that I'm REAL proud of....You should have seen the disaster BEFORE! I was really too ashamed to even take pictures of that nightmare.
I moved my sewing desk to the other window and as usual, have my little tv over in the corner playing none other than my super favorite sewing movie - Little Women!

Here's a picture of the left side of the room with my GROWING stash of vintage sheets and my awesome pie safe that one of my best friend's dad made for me a long time ago. And don't you know it's STUFFED full of fabric. It took my mom almost all day swapping out the VHS movies from there and putting them into the little white dresser below and taking that fabric and much more from various nooks and crannies and filling that cabinet. The drawers in that dresser were really too shallow for the amount of fabric I hoard, I mean have! But they fit VHS tapes just perfectly!

And last but not is, what else, MORE FABRIC!
But at least everything has a place and so now I'm ready to start sewing again! I have vowed to work on Christmas projects throughout the year instead of waiting til December 24th again! First I'll start with a project list.....more to come!