July 10, 2015

Quilt for Mother Emanuel

My guild from Texas posted this and I wanted to share to see how many sweet quilters would be willing to send some love to the Emanuel AME Church.

Click on this link and it will take you to the Charleston Modern Quilt Guild and you can read all about it.  I'm mailing off my brick today!!

As a great quilting community - let's embrace this church and show them how much we care and wrap them in Love!

Post a pic of your brick and tag them on Instagram:  charlestonmodernquiltguild

Thanks friends!


  1. That's a thoughtful way of expressing sympathy to that church. I'm sure they will receive more bricks than they will have time to put together for a long time. I'll continue to pray that the Lord will bless that church as they strive to recover from such tragedy. ---"Love"

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