Another month gone in the blink of an eye.....Malek turned 11 months on Saturday - now on to the countdown of the first birthday bash!!
December 28, 2009
December is winding down
Another month gone in the blink of an eye.....Malek turned 11 months on Saturday - now on to the countdown of the first birthday bash!!
November 24, 2009
My how time flies....
I believe Daddy was snoozing by this time too.
And this is where I left him this morning before leaving for work. Under the dining room table.
Not aware that he's too tall to just walk out......
October 13, 2009
Swine Flu - Round 2
Don't you dare come back our way!
Here are a couple of pics from the park, pumpkin patch and a preview of Malek's halloween costume. Shorts one day and sweaters the next! Crazy Texas weather.
Click on the picture to enlarge and you can see the top two teeth starting to peek through! And he's already figured out how to use them! Little turkey already likes to bite!
Also, Happy Birthday to my momma today! She's was so wonderful over the past two weeks helping me shuffle the kids back and forth to the dr. It's hard taking care of two sick kids by yourself, so she so graciously stepped in and helped out so much. Unfortunately, she's now home sick with a bad cold. Not Swine Flu - yet....Praying no no no! I'm cooking her some good ole' meatloaf and fried potatoes tonight for supper to help cheer her up! Love you Momma!
Best wishes to those that are sick and those trying to stay well.
Have a good week!

September 29, 2009
The Face of Swine Flu
Rewind two days...back before our house was infected....we took Malek to the park for the first time. He loved it. He got to swing, go down the slide, and even feed some very hungry geese.
And even though Malek is only 8 months old, he is already over 21 pounds and 29" tall, we had to get him a new big boy car seat. He seems to love it. It's a whole new world to him now that he can see all that is going on around him and feel the air conditioner too.
2009 Fall Super Shots
It's amazing how fast illness can strike.......
Here's hoping no one else gets sick. Have a great day!
September 22, 2009
Stormy Evening
But before that all happened, I was able to snap a few pictures of those projects I spoke about in yesterday's post. Here are my signature blocks and a sampling of the baby quilt I'm currently working on.
September 21, 2009
Weekend Update
So we started off our weekend Saturday morning with our first outdoor soccer game of the Fall season. The girls did a great job - winning 8-0. Much better than we faired in any of our indoor games. We started off with new uniforms in a new color - no red this season. Maybe hunter green with be a good winning color for us. So far, so good.