OMGoodness! Moving is so exhausting! I'm not sure I'll be able to walk upright again. We still weren't totally packed when they arrived at 8:15am Wednesday morning. But we're finally moved in and it only took 14 hours! haha Sadly we went from a 3000 sqr foot home to 1800. But no more stairs!! Yah! "Pack Rat" is obviously my middle name! And I've bestowed the same on my daughter. I know that over 60% of the boxes stacked to the ceiling in our new garage have Emma's name or initial on them. Yes I say initial, because after about the 50th box, I couldn't even find the strength to write the other 3 letters of her name! Sad I know. But boy are we going to have fun weeding thru each and every one of those for a massive garage sale to help raise money for a new patio set and maybe a donation to a charity or two.
Thanks to my mom, aka Nana, who helped us so much with the move and caring for Malek while we were moving. He was such a good sport about it all. Was so interested in every step the movers made and also with the cable guy that came yesterday. Woowho - I have internet at home - finally. I've never had internet at home. Just a little behind the times, I know. Another big thanks to my dad and stepmother. They too came over and pitched in without hesitation.
I also want to give props to our movers -
Starving Students. We used them 2 years ago when we moved to the 2 story and again for this move. Our main mover Adrian was a workhorse! And so was his helper Lee. They worked nonstop for 14 hours. Thanks again guys!
So I'm back to work today and not a cardboard box in sight - aahhh! Tonight we will be having a quiet movie night at the house with the kids. So many little time. Actually, I have another 363 days to unpack! :-)
Maybe I'll work on mine and Emma's quilt studio first...I was smart and had them bring all my boxes of fabric in instead of having them buried in the garage heap. I'll post some before and after shots hopefully next week. Oh how I can't wait to get back to quilting again!! I'm almost finished hand quilting the I Spy quilt that Emma made for Malek before he was born. It is so cute and sewing at age 7 is such an accomplishment for her. She can't wait to get sewing again either.
So I'll leave you with a couple pics of Mr. Smacky Mak himself.
Somewhere around 9am on move day....

Somewhere around the 10th hour on move day....

Have a great weekend!