Does your house have that not so fresh smell lately? Whether it's from the dog, kids, husband or just everyday wear and tear, have I got a solution for you! My good buddy
Jennifer is selling the latest and greatest stuff called
Scentsy. Her mom got me hooked on it and now I'm so done with burning candles. This stuff smells sooooo good! I've got a couple of the plug-ins and one of the mid-size warmers (I actually have the one on the cover below!)and my 1800 sq foot house never smelled better. And the best thing of all, besides, not having to deal with the stinky smell of when you blow out candles, it's non-toxic and so kid friendly!

So do me a favor and go check out her website and look around. These make great Mother's Day presents!! (hint hint hubs....not like he reads this anyway) It's very reasonably priced and the lovely smells last up to 80 hours just off of one little wax block! And they've got like oodles of different scents. You could even mix them to create your own good smellin' creations. My favorite scents are Clean Breeze, Perfectly Pomegranate & Cinnamon Bear. Yum!! These great smells also come in room sprays, travel tins and little "hang anywheres". I got a couple of those hanger ones and put in the kids closets and man does it smell good in there now!
Here's her link. Go look around. Buy a couple. Book a party! Have fun!
Thanks quilty friends!!