I think she was cheesing a little too hard in this picture. Think she was trying to show them ALL to me. Notice her choice of turquoise and pink bands - HER signature colors!
Well, after getting them on and then back home for lunch, we had to turn right back around as she popped one off when she bit down into her Sonic burger! That sent her into a tizzy - so worried that the dentist was going to be mad at her. Glue just wasn't strong enough. No worries. But then later last night, we had some crazy weather here in Texas. Lots of tornados touched down around us, hail and a lot of rain. Luckily, it passed around our house and we only got rain, but made for a long night.
OH! I found out earlier that I won a "door prize" from the giveaways that Amy from Amy's Creative Side hosted from the Bloggers' Quilt Festival. It's a kit from Pat Sloan!! Can't wait to receive it. I'll post some pics when I receive it.
Til then.....quilt on!