Today, February 22nd, at 1pm CST I will be 40 years old. 40. Forty. Where have the years gone? I still remember being a 7 year old, riding my cool blue Spider bike up and down the street in front of my childhood home for hours on end. Now I drive my car every day for hours on end.
Today I celebrate becoming 40, but what I should really be celebrating is that my mother brought me into this world 40 years ago. Without her and my dad, I wouldn't be here. Thank you to you both.
I saw this on someone else's blog (sorry I can't remember who) and thought it would be kindof fun to apply to myself to mark the occasion. So without further adew.....here are 40 usless bits of information about me - the 40 year old.
1 - I always lock my doors when driving because I’m paranoid of being snatched at a stop light. The instructor at driver's ed put that fear in me!
2 - I always wave at the person behind me when merging lanes in traffic. Not everyone does this – why is that?
3 - I apologize to parked cars when I bump them with my door. Sorry-Sorry-Sorry. Has to be said 3 times fast.
4 - I can pick up things with my toes and so can both of my kids.
5 - I can swim but can’t dive.
6 - I can wiggle my ears.
7 - I can't sew with shoes on.
8 - I drive a 2005 Honda Pilot that was wrecked (parked at the dr office) only 8 days after I drove it off the lot.
9 - I change my purse every 2-3 days. I love working for a handbag company!
10 - I collect thimbles.
11 - I did debt collections for a copier company for 7 years after graduating from college with my teaching degree in Home Economics.
12 - I don’t like coffee, seafood or tomatoes.
13 - I drive over 60 miles round trip to work each day.
14 - I gained 0 pounds while pregnant with my daughter, but gained 47 with my son.
15 - I H.A.T.E. being late!! Anything less than 15 minutes early is late to me.
16 - I have a tattoo of a purple heart on the inside of my left ankle.
17 - I have one brother – 3 years older.
18 - I never buy the 1st of anything on a shelf, unless it’s the only one then that voids this rule.
19 - I played 1st chair viola for 5 years when I was in grades 4 thru 8.
20 - I remember getting a beautiful red tricycle for my 4th birthday.
21 - I secretly l.o.v.e the Jonas Brothers. hehe
22 - I taught 7th grade Home Ec. (for a whole 2 months) Kids are just horrible at that age.
23 - I used to collect carpet fuzz when I was little. (details are only privy to those who REALLY know me)
24 - I used to speak French; not fluent by any means.
25 - I wear size 12 shoes.
26 - I weighed 10 lbs 10 ½ inches at birth and was 22 inches long.
27 - I’m 6’1”. Weight now…. – well we just won’t go there.
28 - I’m afraid of heights. Being tall doesn't help.
29 - I’m very anal and detail oriented. My husband says I’m a control freak. I just like things a certain way.
30 - I’m very much an introvert.
31 - I’ve been in the Empire State Building….but only in the lobby, hence point #28.
32 - I’ve been wearing glasses since I was 10. Same year I got the horrible “Dorothy Hamill” haircut.
33 - I’ve had stitches 4 times (not counting surgeries); all before age 8.
34 - I’ve never been skiing – either snow or water.
35 - I’ve never broken any bones.
36 - I’ve read all 15 of Jennifer Chiaverini’s Elm Creek Quilt books.
37 - My cell phone ring tone is Bon Jovi – It’s My Life.
38 - My favorite color is purple though I never wear it.
39 - My favorite drinks are water, tea and Dr. Pepper.
40 - My favorite foods are my Mamie’s fried potatoes, her chocolate pie and Little Debbie Swiss Cake Rolls.
So now that you know me a little better (hehe)....How about a giveaway?!?!

I found the link to the tutorial to make this cute little bag via
The Polkadot Chair inwhich she had the actual link to the tutorial on
Skip To My Lou's blog. It was my first time EVER to work successfully with zippers and with iron on vinyl. So cool. I know what everyone's getting for Christmas this year!!
So - you wanna win this cute little bag? Here's how....I'm going to make it simple today.
Leave me a comment and your entered! Easy as that!
Good luck. Drawing will close at midnight Thursday 2/25/10. Winner will be drawn on Friday Morning! Good Luck.
Happy Birthday to me!